Version history
Apr 26, 2018, 2:37 PM
Mar 14, 2017, 3:36 PM
Mar 14, 2017, 3:36 PM
Collection types
Element types
Collection relations
Agent types
The CR in the DARIAH-DE portal
Source code
The CR on GitLab
The DCDDM datamodel
Collection Registry
Editor options
Show hints
Mandatory description
Description sets
Collection types
Collection description rights
Access rights
Contact and agents
Content related
Item languages
Temporal detail
Spatial detail
Collection created
Items created
Item types
Collection relations
Associated project
Image rights
Collection policy
Content rights
Collection access
Identification & Administration
Collection ID
Version ID
Current version
Collection editor
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permalink of the description
Editor options
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Mandatory description
The fields in this block form the minimal base of required collection properties and are mandatory. A collection description must be provided in at least one language.
Description sets
Mittelalterliche Handschriften der Ratsbücherei Lüneburg
The language of this description set
To record descriptions in multiple languages, use multiple statements and in each statement associate the value string with the appropriate language tag. The entered string must be a language name in the form of the three character code defined by ISO 639-3.
Mittelalterliche Handschriften der Ratsbücherei Lüneburg
A name given to the resource
A value string must be provided.
An acronym of the collection
In case the collection is well known by or often associated with an acronym. E.g. “Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe” or “MEGA”
Die mittelalterlichen Handschriften der Ratsbücherei Lüneburg stellen die größte derartige Sammlung in kommunalem Besitz Norddeutschlands dar. Der Schwerpunkt der Sammlung liegt auf theologischen und juristischen Texten des Hoch- und Spätmittelalters, wobei lateinische Handschriften überwiegen. Es finden sich aber auch wichtige Abschriften mittelhochdeutscher und niederdeutscher Texte (z.B. der reich illuminierte Sachsenspiegel, Ms. Jurid. 1) und Liturgica aus St. Johannis (Theol. 2° 86, 89, 90, 94, 102). Die 213 Handschriften der Ratsbücherei stammen überwiegend aus den Klöstern der Stadt, die nach der Reformation im 16. Jahrhundert unter städtische bzw. herzogliche Aufsicht gestellt wurden. Die drei bedeutendsten Provenienzen sind das Franziskanerkloster St. Marien, die Johanniskirche und das Benediktinerkloster St. Michael, dessen Handschriften über die 1852 aufgelöste Ritterakademie in die Ratsbücherei gelangten. Die Bestände der Ratsbücherei stellen damit eine wichtige Quelle zur Erforschung norddeutscher Klosterbibliotheken am Ende des Mittelalters dar. Da in der Ratsbücherei eine Benutzung nur eingeschränkt möglich ist und zahlreiche Hilfsmittel und Forschungsliteratur nicht greifbar sind, ist eine online-Publikation besonders sinnvoll, um den Bestand auf diese Weise stärker ins Blickfeld der Forschung zu rücken
A free text summary description of the collection
Contains the basic descriptive elements 'title', 'acronym' and 'description'
Each description set in associated with a specific language allowing multilingual collection descriptions. Please note, that the first entry is considered as
primary language
for the collection and serves as displayed default.
Collection types
Historische Schriftensammlung
The nature or genre of the collection
Use of standard vocabulary required. Provided values will be based on DARIAH-DE suggestions (the keywords provided in this current phase).
Collection description rights
CC0 (Creative Commons Zero)
A statement of any rights held in/over the collection description
Provides information concerning the collection description and
the items of the collections. A controlled vocabulary will be provided and maintained by DARIAH-DE based on the free-texts currently entered.
Access rights
CC0 (Creative Commons Zero)
A statement of any restrictions placed on the provided collection image
A controlled vocabulary will be provided and maintained by DARIAH-DE based on the free-texts currently entered.
Contact and agents
At least one of the fields in this block needs to be filled. All others are then optional.
Provides a web page related to the resource
Only provide web pages when you can be sure that they will stay online for as long as the collection description is meant to be public or you have the resources to keep them alive.
Provides a primary email address related to the collection
Only provide email addresses when you can be sure that they will stay responsive for as long as the collection description is meant to be public or you have the resources to update them.
A location where the collection is held
To record multiple locations, separate statements should be used. The importance of each statement is expressed by the applied order, beginning with the most important one. In case the collection´s item are digitized it is recommended to name the adress related with the person/organisation who has legal possession of the collection. Usually this person/organisation is also referenced as Owner.
Agent name
Agents that are related to the collection (e.g. as creator and/or owner)
Content related
Item languages
A language of the items in the collection
The value string must be a language name in the form of the three character code defined by ISO 639-3.
Mittelalterliche Handschriften
Ratsbücherei Lüneburg
A subject or topic associated with the items in the collection
Keywords or subject descriptors associated with items in the collection. The terms used indicate the subject matter of the collection. Currently free-texts can be entered. However, subjects should be taken from a controlled vocabulary, namely from GND, LCSH and DDC though the preferred vocabularies are GND and LCSH. Where multiple keywords or subject descriptors are provided, a separate statement should be used for each keyword or descriptor. The importance of each statement is expressed by the applied order, beginning with the most important one.
Temporal detail
An indicator of the temporal scope of the resource.
Provided values will be the base for a future DARIAH-DE controlled vocabulary.
Spatial detail
An indicator of the spatial scope of the resource
Has to be taken from a controlled vocabulary, namely from GND, GeoNames and Getty. Preferred are GeoNames and Getty because both provide gps coordinates. Where multiple spatial descriptors are provided, a separate statement should be used for each descriptor. The importance of each statement is expressed by the applied order, beginning with the most important one. Currently free-texts can be entered.
Collection created
A range of dates over which the collection was accumulated
To enable homogenous descriptions the values have to follow a syntax encoding scheme. To keep up the collection description´s human readability a label element should be provided.
Items created
A range of dates over which the individual items within the collection were created
To enable homogenous descriptions the values have to follow a syntax encoding scheme. To keep up the collection description´s human readability a label element should be provided.
Item types
The nature or genre of one or more items within the collection
The value strings are provided by DCMI Type Vocabulary. See:
Not specified
The size of the collection i. e. the number of items
The size or extent of the collection should be described by providing the number of the collection`s items. If the exact number is unknown or the collection is still growing a rough estimation should be provided.
The main accrual method of the collection
Specify whether data is collected by curation or research (or both)
Accrual description
Relations to other collections
Relation type
Related Collection
Further collections that are related to this collection
An unambiguous reference to the resource within an already existing context like an institution or an application
In case your resource is already supplied with one ore more identifiers which you would like keep on using to maintain interoperability.
A class of entity for whom the collection is intended or useful
Where a collection is intended or useful for multiple audiences, a separate statement should be used for each audience. The importance of each statement is expressed by the applied order, beginning with the most important one.
A statement of any changes in ownership and custody of the collection that are significant for its authenticity, integrity and interpretation
Associated project
Names and shortly describes the project in which context the collection was created
It is recomended to provide a short description of the project and to provide a reference (URL) where further information can be found.
Collection image
Image rights
A statement of any access restrictions placed on the collection
A controlled vocabulary will be provided and maintained by DARIAH-DE based on the free-texts currently entered.
Collection policy
A method by which items are added to a collection
Content rights
A statement of any rights held in/over the collection´s items
Provides information concerning the collection´s items. A controlled vocabulary will be provided and maintained by DARIAH-DE based on the free-texts currently entered.
Collection access
Services that allow access to collected resources
Custom fields
User-specified parameter, which is published by means of the Collection Registry API. Parameters can e.g. be used to provide additional, collection-specific input variables to relevant data models.
Identification & Administration
Collection ID
Permanent link to the collection
This ID and link provide a reference to the latest revision of this agent description.
Version ID
Permanent link to this version
This ID and link provide a reference to exactly this revision of this collection description. After saving, the collection receives a new version ID.
Current version
March 14, 2017, 3:36:18 PM (
Creation of this version
The timestamp and user of this version of the collection description.
March 14, 2017, 3:36:13 PM (
A date of the creation of this collection description
To enable homogenous descriptions the values of dcddm:collectionDescriptionCreated have to follow a syntax encoding scheme.
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